Partial screen shot of SWSpectrum
SWSpectrum© version 8.50 is a spectral line shape computation and display program.
Features include:
- Calculates high resolution spectra of 50 gases based on data in HITRAN 2020 and HITEMP databases
- Select up to 6 gases at once, or all gases
- Quantitative absorbance spectra
- Cross sections
- 2f and 1f wavelength modulation, direct absorption, or transmission line shapes
- Stick spectra or full line shape computation
- Output to printer or text file (line by line listing and intensity vs wavelength)
- Linear or log display
- Optional plots of individual isotopes
- Convolve spectra to account for instrument functions
- Save and recall configurations
- Improved speed and output files
Price: $1495 (Upgrade for existing customers $495)
(for international sales, please contact us to determine shipping costs and additional fees)
or telephone (505) 984-1322, fax (505) 988-9230.
- Memory stick includes software for HITRAN and HITEMP with 2020 updates
- OS: Windows 8 and 10
- Disk Space 3.0 GB
- Other: USB drive, Mouse or pointing device
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